Friday, August 3, 2007

Case 1: The Misty Valley Country Inn

Misty Valley Country Inn.mdb
Misty Valley Country Inn.doc

The case took my whole Friday away. But "meh" at least I've got that feeling of accomplishment..... Or do I?........ Anyway I would like to thank google because if not for them my Deliverables would not have been finish. And also the webiste that has the metas for "MS ACCESS", "TUTORIALS".

Friday, July 27, 2007

Module 7

Module 7: Part 1 - Web Browsing Fundamentals

Pre-Assesment: 26/39 ( 66%)

Pre-Assesment: 36/39 ( 92%)

Module 7: Part 2 - Messaging Fundamentals Fundamentals

Pre-Assesment: 87/106 ( 82%)

Pre-Assesment: 93/106 ( 87%)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Module 6:

Module 6: Powerpoint 2000 Basics

Pre-Assesment: 77/97 (79%)

Post-Assesment:: 83/97 (85%)

Module 6: Powerpoint 2000 Advanced Features

Pre-Assesment: 101/133 (79%)

Post-Assesment:: 124/133 (93%)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Module 5

Module 5: Access 2000 Basics

Pre-Assesment: 23/53 (43%)

Post-Assesment:: 47/53 (88%)

Module 5: Access 2000 Advanced Features

Pre-Assesment: 35/74 (47%)

Post-Assesment: 67/74 (90%)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Module 4

Module 4: Part 1 - Excel 2000 Basics

Pre-Assesment: 73/89 (82%)

Post-Assesment: 78/89 (87%)

Module 4: Part 2 - Excel 2000 Advanced Features

Pre-Assesment: 70/87 (80%)

Post-Assesment: 77/87 (88%)

Monday, July 9, 2007

Module 3:

Module 3: Part1 - Word 2000 Basics

Pre-Assesment: 70/103 (67%) AHHHH.... This skill builder should come with a warning. *Caution: May cause severe headache due to constant head slapping.*

Post-Assesment: 89/103(86%) And now for some little R & R.

Module 3: Part2 - Word 2000 Advanced Features

Pre-Assesment: 69/81 (85%) Whew... Barely made it

Module 2:

Module 2: Computer and File Organization

Pre-Assesment Module 2: 65/86 (75%) What the... Note to Self Read before you click..

Post-Assesment Module 2: 78/86 (90%) Yay.. Thats good enough.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Module 1: The beginning of what had begun....

Module 1: Basic Concepts of Information Technology

Pre-Assesment Module 1: 83/84 (98%) BOO YAH! The module was a *see image*